
Yellow Citrine Bracelet

Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹650.00.



Yellow Citrine Bracelet exalts Jupiter, gives divine knowledge, causes marriage, blesses progeny, develops divine wisdom, makes you a good teacher, gets success in astrology & occult, gives continuous growth, and fetches spiritual & material gains.


The benefits of wearing a Yellow Citrine Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

  • It exalts the planet Jupiter – the Karka of marriage, fortune, health and overall auspiciousness in life.
  • When you wear this bracelet, luck gets by your side in anything you endeavour.
  • The main reason people are crazy about this bracelet is that it removes delays in marriage; yellow citrine is an ultimate remedy for girls to get married early.
  • The bracelet of Jupiter instils wisdom, intellect, sharp memory, focus, decisiveness, determination, mental clarity, and confidence in you.
  • This clear-cut bracelet makes you confident, expressive, and original.
  • You become positive & patient to the extent that criticism does not bother or affect you anymore.
  • This soothing band overcomes anxieties, depression, fears & phobias.
  • Since Jupiter is the bestower of divine wisdom, its bracelet gets quick grasping power and problem-solving skills.
  • The well-learned you, fight against tough situations without getting affected.
  • Enthusiasm & motivation oozes out of its wearer; it also helps to see possibilities & opportunities around.
  • It enriches the overall persona that people wish to be like you.
  • For balancing hormones, yellow citrine is an apt remedy.
  • It boosts the growth of hair, skin cells, and nails; additionally, it improves digestion & metabolism and prevents allergies & infections.
  •  A healthy boost in the sexual drive is also noticed with this bracelet.
  • It aligns your body, mind & soul with which you act on the right things at the right time.
  • Yellow citrine works with the Root Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.


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