If you are facing any challenges in personal or professional life then some easy remedies can help. We also provide End-to-End Vastu solution for your home, business or work place. 

We Work on Body, Mind and Soul. We Analyse the Life And Behaviour Pattern and give suitable Remedies according to that.

We Also Change the name or correct the spelling of the name to synchronise it with your personality because Name Change Is Game Change™.


Do you think your health, family or professional problems are facing only because of your number or horoscope?

Really this is a combination:

Eating Habit (33 %) + Intention / Karma (33 %). + Planet (33 percent)

Body + mind + soul

I love working on all three while providing any input and I call it ′′ Trilogy No remedy is bad, but treatment only works when it has the right mix.

Keep watching this page for more information about Numbers.

For sophisticated ′′ Trilogy ′′ consultation, please contact 

WhatsApp number + 91 963 963
